Sarah’s Angel Delight Hot Chocolate Story & Recipe

The other day I was food shopping in Iceland of all places and a sachet caught my eye. Why, it was Chocolate flavoured Angel Delight!

Well that sachet caught me by surprise and knocked me back for six. The last time I remember eating it was at a friends birthday party when I was around 8 or 9. Angel Delight always seemed to be around at kids parties doesnt it?

Anyway, temptation got the better of me, so I decided to buy it. And today after dinner, I was still reasonably hungry so it was dessert time! The packet states that it serves four but this is clearly lies, I’m a monster when it comes to food and I know others are too. But yeah, once I had followed the instructions and left it to set for five minutes, I carried this bowl to my room and took a spoonful of this brown mixture… and I didnt like it.

It tasted nothing like how I remembered it, it was just this gloopy mixture that hardly tasted of anything. So I wondered what to do with it; eat it all or look online and browse sites for dessert recipes involving Angel Delight. I tried another mouthful but no, there was no different so looking online was my best option.

I was quite surprised by the amount of recipes I found. Its clear others were possibly stuck in my situation at one point in their life. Cocktails and Cheesecakes were the popular options, and yes, both would have been interesting but alas, I had no vodka or biscuits in my cupboard, so I was stuck.

Its around this time normally that I fix myself a cup hot chocolate, I’m a massive fan of just chilling in bed under my duvet at the end of the day with a mug of hot choc and a film, but it got me thinking about this angel delight mix. Why not combine the two? So heres what I did.


  • A sachet of angel delight mix – I used chocolate but I’m tempted to try out the other flavours
  • 350 ml of milk
  • Three teaspoons of sugar – depending on how sugary you like your hot chocolate
  • One teaspoon of hot chocolate powder – just adds a bit of flavour and thickness


  1. Add the mix of angel delight to 300ml of the milk. Whisk untill light and fluffy before leaving to set for 5 minutes.
  2. Once set, pour the mixture into a saucepan, using the remainder of the milk to save the mixture from burning at the bottom of the pan. Turn the stove on a low heat and stir throughout.
  3. Add the sugar and taste untill its how you like it. Add the hot chocolate and stir everything together.
  4. Wait untill the hot chocolate is at the temperature you like and take off the heat. Pour into mugs.

Hope you all enjoy! Dont forget to comment and like if you enjoyed reading, and remember to tell me how yours turned out!


hot choc angel